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The Estonian History Museum invites all groups of friends or colleagues to take part in the unique celebration „Medieval Pleasures“ in the magnificent Great Guild Hall, where the most glamorous and lavish feasts in Tallinn took place during the 15th and 16th century.
This package includes a convivial tour of the Estonian History Museum where the richest man in Medieval Tallinn, Mint Master Urban Dene, or his honourable wife, will guide you through the exhibition „Medieval Pleasures“. After the tour, all who wish may soothe their palate with genuine Medieval Pleasures’ beer, and there is the once-in-a-lifetime chance to take part in a genuine medieval dance.
The celebration ends with a medieval feast at Olde Hansa restaurant, where all guests will have an opportunity to enjoy delicious food from the Middle Ages in an environment fit for a King.
More information from Aime Tahvonen,